Digital Marketing- The Future

Are you relying on technology and the Internet to accomplish everyday tasks? With the needs and demands of the market consistently changing, it has become important for marketers and organisations to keep pace with the current digital marketing trends in order to stay relevant and continue to thrive in the digital era.
We have witnessed a surge in some of the digital Marketing trends that ruled 2018, previously discussed
at the beginning of this year. So far, we have seen video content becoming the trend of the season and it has resulted in good traction for businesses.

Now with a few months left to move into 2019, we have a few predictions for the trends that will rule in the next couple of years.
Here are some future marketing trends that will certainly dominate 2019 and beyond:
Engaging Content Powered by Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Chatbots
This is a basic rule that most digital marketers agree on. No matter how advanced our technology and systems could become, one of the most important things that makes marketing successful is engaging content.
Understanding the needs and requirements of your users is important to grab their pulse. This provides you with a chance to become a problem solver for them.
The format of the content is changing. A couple of years ago, most of the content displayed on websites relied on advertising that focused more on business promotions. But, things have changed now. To keep users intrigued, digital marketers have switched their focus to writing content that matters to their audience to keep them hooked and intrigued. For more tips on this, take a look at this article on how to write engaging content. Organisations will continue to rely more on big data, artificial intelligence and chatbots to increase their interaction with their audience in a customized way.
The Rise of Voice Search Queries
Voice search is not new but you will be shocked about the role it will play in marketing in the next upcoming years. By 2020, half of the search queries will be voice-based. This is becoming a trend in the market as users are overwhelmed by the convenience of using it.
If your organization is willing to implement voice search into your business strategy, you are likely to have an edge over your competitors.
A Boom in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
There is no single shadow of a doubt that digitization will soon rule the world. With so many tasks dependent on technology, we could rightly call this a technology-driven marketing domain. Technology and the Internet are vital elements in today’s marketing world.  Businesses are trying to implement these technologies in their campaigns to deliver a real and user-friendly experience. Soon, you will be able to try clothes virtually before making a purchase.
More Live Videos
If you have an account on any social media channel, you might have noticed the increase in the number of live videos. Although live videos were a trend that started back in 2017, many brands and businesses have still not adopted this method of promotion and interaction with their audience.
Sharing a live video is the best way to communicate with your audience in real time. That's exactly why brands, businesses and even ordinary people are using this feature to give a real-time experience to their audience. Soon, brands and businesses will leverage the live video feature to ensure maximum reach and exposure. Live videos represent a unique opportunity for brands and digital marketers to build an online audience in a short amount of time.
Technology is the fastest growing domain. Businesses are trying to leverage the potential of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and big data to create successful digital campaigns. These trends will continue to rule the world in 2019 and beyond.

If you are excited about the future trends in digital marketing, then your excitement is a good one. Which trends do you think will dominate the digital marketing space? Let us know in the comments box below!


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